1. Computer graphics special effects production for video and game
2. Planning and production of images using computer graphics
3. Sales and licensing of still image and video material data
4. Development of applications for mobile devices
5. Development of software for home video game consoles
6. fee-charging job placement business
7. Worker dispatch business
8. All businesses incidental to the above
The situation of creating vfx assets in the game industry is totally different and complex depending on each company or project.
Many artists grow up and move to other projects or companies repeatedly, so it is hard to grow up with stability and increase the number of vfx artists in the game field for a long term.
If the environment of creating vfx is not sufficient even a great vfx artist can not make the best use of skills in the project.
We think the more excellent game vfx we add, the more players’ heart is moved.
As the performance of hardware will improve then artists needs higher and more variable sets of skills.
Our company’s aim is to grow skillfull artists and create the best vfx in a short time.

Representative Director Takeshi Inaba

Director Iwao Nobuto
Representative Director Takeshi Inaba
Director Iwao Nobuto

- KLab株式会社
- SCSK株式会社
- アソビモ株式会社
- Electronic Arts Co., Ltd.
- グリー株式会社
- ジニアス・ソノリティ株式会社
- シリコンスタジオ株式会社
- Match Lock Co., Ltd.
- 株式会社 A-1 Pictures
- 株式会社
- 株式会社DropWave
- KITERETSU Corporation
- 株式会社アーゼスト
- 株式会社アートディンク
- 株式会社イリンクス
- Dolphin Inc.
- 株式会社ウィッチクラフト
- 株式会社エクサム
- 株式会社カヤック
- Cross point Corporation
- 株式会社グミ
- 株式会社コーエーテクモゲームス
- 株式会社コロプラ
- Cyber Agent Co., Ltd.
- 株式会社サテライト
- 株式会社サンライズ
- 株式会社スクウェア・エニックス
- SEGA Games Inc.
- 株式会社セガネットワークス
- 株式会社セブンスコード
- 株式会社ソニー・コンピュータエンタテインメント
- DN Co., Ltd.
- 株式会社ディッジ
- 株式会社ディンプス
- 株式会社デジタル・メディア・ラボ
- ose Corporation
- 株式会社バイキング
- 株式会社バンダイナムコスタジオ
- 株式会社プレミアムエージェンシー
- Poke Lab
- 株式会社マーベラス
- 株式会社ランバート
- 株式会社秀和システム
- White group Co., Ltd.
- 有限会社ランカース
大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ – 3DS / Wii U
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Job Description
Job lists | ①Effect Artist ②3D Animator ③Modeler ④2D & UI Designer ⑤Planner |
Description | ①Effect Artist Real-time VFX ②Animator In-game、Camera, CS Animation ③Modeler Character, Background and Object modeling ④2D & UI Designer Real-time effect creation ⑤Planner Document and data preparation |
Qualification Requirements | Effect Artist (beginners are also applicable) 【Requirements】 Experience with Maya or 3DSMax 【The following skills are a plus】 Unreal Engine 4&5, Unity or BISHAMON Handwriting Animation ②Animator (beginners are also applicable) 【Requirements】 Experience With Maya or 3DSMax 【3D】Experience With Motion Builder, 3DSMax, XSI etc 【The following skills are a plus】 Lead, Rigging, Scripting, Creating storyboard and videos ③Modeler Experience With Maya or 3DSMax 【The following skills are a plus】 Experience with ZBrush or other Sculpt tools Experience with SubstancePainter Strong leadership and management skills ④2D and UI Designer (beginners are also applicable) 【Requirements】 Experience with Photoshop, Illustrator or ClipStudio |
Employment Status | Employment form Full-time employee, contract employee, outsourcing, part-time job, intern (student) The trial period will be 3 months |
Location | Shin-Yokohama (Main) Metropolitan area · Kansai area · Hong Kong (depending on the case) |
Treatment | 【Working hours】 10: 00 ~ 19: 00 (1 hour break for lunch) 【Salary】 Based according to experience and ability 【Other】 Transportation expenses (with upper limit) Trial and training period Social insurance Paid leave system According to other company regulations |
Number of people planned to be employed | Limited availability |
Holiday and vacation | Holidays (Saturdays-and-Sundays, National holidays, New Year's holiday, Summer vacation) |
Number of Years
Number of
Number of
■Commitment to the SDGs
As part of its CSR activities, AGNI-FLARE agrees with
the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations and
We are committed to utilizing our own strengths to help realize a sustainable society.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the 2030 Agenda) is a set of international development goals from 2016 to 2030, which was adopted by the UN Sustainable Development Summit held in September 2015 building on the success of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The 2030 Agenda listed “Sustainable Development Goals” consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets in order to eradicate poverty and realize a sustainable world. The SDGs are universal goals applicable, not only to developing countries but also developed countries, and pledge “Leave no one behind.” through the implementation process. Japan makes utmost efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda with international community based on the concept of human security.
(cf : Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan Website)

【AGNI-FLARE CO., LTD. supports the Sustainable Development Goals.】

● Industry-University Cooperative Project / Goal 4: Quality education
Conducted an industry-university cooperative workshop with Rikkyo University on the theme of Green Marketing.
● Holding a world-scale 3DCG-VFX contest / Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
Hosting of the “WWVFX CONTEST FOR GAMES,” a technical competition open to all creators around the world.
● Original IP “SikaQ” / Goal 13: Climate action
Development of a smart phone application for a character with a climate change theme, and distribution of the content.
Agni Flare has been registered as a “Kanagawa SDGs Partner.

Agni Flare was registered as a “Kanagawa SDGs Partner” on December 22, 2022.
Under this program, Kanagawa Prefecture will recruit, register, and disseminate information on companies and organizations that are developing businesses that contribute to the promotion of the SDGs, and the prefecture and companies and organizations will work together to promote SDGs activities.
Kanagawa Prefecture has been making advanced efforts to promote the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and has been selected as one of the “SDGs Future Cities” by the government.
We will continue our efforts to contribute to increasing awareness and actions for “sustainable development” from people to communities and from communities to society from the unique perspective of an entertainment company.
About the Kanagawa SDGs Partner Program (Kanagawa Prefecture website)
■Initiatives for Human Resource Development and Cultural Promotion
Agni-Flare is supporting member of the Association for the Promotion of Image Information Education (CG-ARTS) and a “partner company for human resource development” of the CG-ARTS certification, .As a “Human Resource Development Partner Company” of the CG-ARTS Certification Examination,
We support the educational and human resource development projects of the association and are committed to the promotion of culture and the future of human resource development in the field of image information.

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Working time:
Monday–Saturday: 10:00–19:00;
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